Virtual Sutra Study
with Ravi Shankar
January 21 (Chapter 1)
February 18 (Chapter 2)
March 18 (Chapter 3)
April 15 (Chapter 4)
Thursdays; 7-9 PM
What a treat! Ravi Shankar (former scholar in residence at Denison) will be leading sessions on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Ravi is a wealth of knowledge, having studied yoga for decades, and a student of TKV Desikachar.
Another silver lining of COVID is that, in some ways, the world has opened up. Ravi will meet with us via zoom, covering one chapter of the Yoga Sutras each month from January through April. Sessions will last 2 hours and contain lecture and question and answer.
Cost: $120
$99 for monthly pass holders
Please email the studio for pass holder pricing.